Standard Submission Scripts:
AMBER on Armada:
#$ -N <jobname>
#$ -cwd
#$ -pe threaded <numcores>
##$ -q unlimited
module load amber14
mpirun -np <numcores> pmemd.MPI -i -c protein_in.restrt -p protein.prmtop -r protein_out.restrt -x protein.mdcrd
gzip protein.mdcrd
AMBER on Pitzer:
#$ -S /bin/bash
#$ -V
#$ -N <jobname>
#$ -cwd
#$ -pe threaded <numcores>
#$ -q all*
module load amber14
mpirun -np <numcores> pmemd.MPI -i -c protein_in.restrt -p protein.prmtop -r protein_out. restrt -x protein.mdcrd
gzip protein.mdcrd
General Tips:
Converting PDBs to AMBER format using tleap:
- Unless required, strip hydrogens and let amber add them again.
- If you already have a waterbox which you want to keep, use the setBox command setBox <loadpdb_object_name> vdw {a_axis b_axis c_axis}